Kanzi Studio command reference

Kanzi Studio command reference includes descriptions of all commands in Kanzi Studio.

Advanced editing

Name Text Shortcut Description
ActivateCameraInPreview Activate Camera in Preview Not available Set the camera as the preview camera of its scene
AddPropertyNamespaceToPropertyTypes Add Property Namespace to Property Types Not available Move all property types to the current project property namespace.
BakeTransformation Bake Transformation to Vertex Data Not available Transform vertices in model's vertex buffer according to the node's current transformation and set transformation into an identity transformation.
CenterMesh Center Mesh Not available Centers the vertices of the mesh so that the center of the bounding box moves to origo.
ClearCommandHistory _Clear Command History Not set Clear the command history
CloneProjectItem Clone Project Item Not available Clone project item
ConvertResourceGridRowToNonText Convert to Resource Not available Convert row to resource
ConvertResourceGridRowToText Convert to Text Not available Convert row to text
CopyProperty Copy Property Not available Copy property value to clipboard
CreateProjectItemLibrary Create Folder Not available Create a folder for organizing assets.
CreateResourceIDFromPropertyInteractively Create Resource ID From Property Value Not available Creates Resource ID from the current value of the property and replaces existing value with created Resource ID
EnableLocalization Add Resources to a Localization Table Not available Select the resources in the selected node and its tree you want to localize, and add them to a localization table.
EnableTheming Add Resources to a Theme Group Not available Select the resources in the selected node and its tree for which you want to create a theme, and add them to a theme group.
FlipMesh Flip Mesh Not set Invert the direction of polygons and normals in the mesh data.
FlipNormals Flip Normals Not set Invert the direction of normals in the mesh data.
FlipPolygons Flip Polygons Not set Invert the direction of polygons in the mesh data without modifying normals.
FlipTextureCoordinateU Flip Texture U Coordinates Not set Flips the U coordinates of textures
FlipTextureCoordinateV Flip Texture V Coordinates Not set Flips the V coordinates of textures
GenerateNormals Generate Normals Not available Generate normals into mesh's vertex buffer.
GenerateTangents Generate Tangents Not available Generate tangents into mesh's vertex buffer.
OpenAddRemoveEventsEditor Add Triggers Ctrl Shift E Open 'Add Triggers' Window
OpenAddRemovePropertyEditor Add Properties Not set Open 'Add Properties' Window
OptimizeAnimations Optimize Animations Not available Remove all Animations Data resource without data and optimizes existing Animation Data items.
PasteMaintainingWorldCoordinates Paste (maintain world coordinates) Not available Pastes the item and maintains the world coordinates. Possible layouts are ignored.
PasteProperty Paste Property Not available Paste property value from clipboard to the selected property
PrintDiagnosticReport Log Invalid Project Items Not available Print the invalid project items and their error messages to the log.
PropertyEditorReset Reset Property Value Not available Reset the values of the selected properties to their default values.
RemovePropertyFromItem Remove Property Not available Remove this property from the item
RenameShaderFiles Rename Shader Files to Material Names Not set Renames all the shader files to corresponding material type name.
ResetProperties Reset Properties to Default Values Not set Reset properties to default values in the selected items excluding name and read-only properties.
ResetUserPreferences _Reset User Preferences Not set Reset the user preferences to the default values
ResizeClipToData Resize Clip to Data Not available Set the start and end times of the clip so that the clip contains all of its target animation data
SaveLayoutToClipboardAsBase64 Save layout to clipboard (base64) Alt Ctrl Shift L Save the current layout to clipboard as text. For internal use.
SetPreviewPlaybackMode Set Preview Playback mode Not available Set the playback mode used in the Preview (play range and stop, continuous play, loop range). You can set the range in the Timeline bar and in Project < Properties by setting the Start Time and End Time properties.
SetPreviewTool Set Preview Tool Not available Set the tool used in preview tool
SetSelectionMode Set Preview Selection Mode Not available Set the selection mode used in the Preview.
SetStartupScreen Set Startup Screen Not available Set the selected screen as the startup screen of the project
ToggleVisible Toggle Visible Not available Toggle visible status by adding or removing visible property

Animation creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateAnimationChildClip Create Animation Child Clip Not available Use an Animation Child Clip to create hierarchical animations. Use the Animation Clip to animate the target object.
CreateAnimationClip Create Animation Clip Not available Animation Clip can contain multiple Animation Data and Animation Child Clip objects to animate an object.
CreateAnimation Create Animation Not available Animation data object contains keyframes and a target property for the animation. Because animation data objects are independent from the objects they target, you can use the same animation data to animate different objects.
CreateTimelineEntry Create Timeline Entry Not set Timeline Entry sets an entry point for Animation Clips. Use a Timeline Entry to set animation target, input, timing, playback mode, scaling, and blending.
CreateTimelineSequence Create Timeline Sequence Not set Timeline Sequence is a set of Timeline Entries, which can target specific items in the scope of a Timeline Sequence.

Basic editing

Name Text Shortcut Description
AddExternalContextItem Add an External Context Item Not available Add an external context item
AddToResourceDictionary Add to Resource Dictionary Not available Add to resources dictionary
ClearLocale Clear Not available Clear values from locale
CopyAsKZBURL Copy .kzb URL Not available Copy the .kzb URL of the selected item.
CopyAsProjectPath Copy as Project Path Not available Debug tool to copy the Kanzi Studio project path of the selected item to clipboard.
Copy Copy Ctrl C Copy the selection to clipboard.
CopyEventSubscription Copy Not available Copy the event subscription to clipboard.
CopyPropertyBinding Copy Binding Not available Copy this property binding to clipboard.
Cut Cut Ctrl X Cut the selection and add it to clipboard.
Delete Delete Delete Delete the selection
DeletePropertyType Delete Not available Delete the selected property type(s)
DuplicateItem Duplicate Ctrl D Duplicate the selected items
OpenChildProject Open Project in a New Kanzi Studio Window Not set Open the referenced project in a new Kanzi Studio window.
Paste Paste Ctrl V Paste clipboard contents
PasteEventSubscription Paste Action Not available Paste an event subscription from clipboard.
PastePropertyBinding Paste Binding Not available Paste property binding from clipboard.
PastePropertyIntoItem Paste Property Alt Shift V Paste property from clipboard to the selected item
PasteReference Paste as Instance Alt Ctrl V Create just links to copied items. All changes to the items are reflected in all their instances.
PasteShallow Paste Item and Instance Children Ctrl Shift V Create new copies of the items and paste children as instances. Only changes to the children are reflected in all their instances.
PasteTriggerIntoItem Paste Trigger Not set Paste trigger from clipboard to the selected item
RecalculateEffectiveDataContext Recalculate Data Context Not available Debug tool to recalculate effective data context for the target node and its descendants.
Redo Redo Not available Redo the latest undone command
RemoveExternalContextItem Remove an External Context Item Not available Remove an external context item
RemoveFromResourceDictionary Delete Not available Delete entry from resources dictionary
Rename _Rename F2 Rename the selected item(s)
RenameItem _Rename Not available Rename the selected project item(s)
RenameResourceID _Rename Resource ID Not available Rename the selected resource(s)
ToggleQuickHide Toggle Quick Hide Ctrl H Toggle quick hide status by adding or removing Quick Hide property
Undo Undo Not available Undo the latest command

Brush creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateBrush Create Brush Not available Create a color brush


Name Text Shortcut Description
ExportApk Build Android Package Not set Build Android Package (APK) using the active Build Configuration
RedeployApk Redeploy Android Package Not set Redeploy last successfully deployed Anrdoid Package

Clip editor

Name Text Shortcut Description
SetControlPointInterpolationType Clip Editor: Interpolation type Not available Set the interpolation type of the selected control point(s)
SetControlPointInterpolationTypeToBezier Clip Editor: Interpolation type to bezier B Bezier keyframe interpolation type
SetControlPointInterpolationTypeToLinear Clip Editor: Interpolation type to linear L Linear keyframe interpolation type
SetControlPointInterpolationTypeToStep Clip Editor: Interpolation type to step T Step keyframe interpolation type
SetCurveEditorKeyframeTool Clip Editor: Keyframe Tool I Keyframe tool - Allow enabling of the tool by selecting an animation on the canvas to add keyframes with mouse clicks
SetCurveEditorMoveTool Clip Editor: Move Tool V Move tool
SetCurveEditorPanTool Clip Editor: Pan Tool S Pan tool
SetCurveEditorScaleTool Clip Editor: Scale Tool X Scale tool

Component creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateComponentNode2D Create 2D Component Not available Create a 2D component
CreateComponentNode Create Component Not available Create a component

Container node

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateGridListBox2D Create Grid List Box 2D Not set Use a Grid List Box 2D to arrange 2D content in a grid in 2D space.

Content node

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateImage2D Create Image Not set Use an Image to display a single or a render target texture.
CreateMorph Create Morph Not available Creates Morph target collection.
CreateNinePatchImage2D Create Nine Patch Image Not set Use a Nine Patch Image for buttons and framed images that change in size. Nine Patch Image scales images in a controlled way, instead of scaling them as a single unit.
CreatePage Create Page Not set Use a Page to add structure to your Kanzi application.
CreatePageHost Create Page Host Not set Use Page Host to manage the navigation between Page nodes within its subtree.
CreateProgressiveRenderingNode2D Create Progressive Rendering Viewport 2D Not set Use a Progressive Rendering Viewport 2D to display a view into a 3D scene through a camera.
CreateTextBlock2D Create Text Block 2D Not set Use a Text Block 2D to display text in 2D space. It uses fonts to render text and has location and orientation in 2D space.
CreateViewport2D Create Viewport 2D Not set Use a Viewport 2D to display a view into a 3D scene through a camera.
CreateViewport2DForScene Create Viewport 2D for Scene Not available Create a Viewport 2D for the selected Scene node.


Name Text Shortcut Description
ConvertBindingsToTemplateBindings Convert Bindings to Template Bindings Not available Converts bindings whose source is the template root to template bindings.
ConvertNode2DPrefabPlaceholderToPrefabView2D Convert to Prefab View 2D Not available Converts given Prefab Placeholder 2D to Prefab View 2D
ConvertNode3DPrefabPlaceholderToPrefabView3D Convert to Prefab View 3D Not available Converts given Prefab Placeholder 3D to Prefab View 3D
ConvertNodesToPrefabs Convert Nodes to Prefabs Not available Creates prefab templates for the selected nodes and replaces the nodes with placeholders pointing to the newly created templates
ConvertPageHostToPage Convert Page Host to Page Not available Converts given Page Host to Page
ConvertPageToPageHost Convert Page to Page Host Not available Converts given Page to Page Host
ConvertPrefabView2DToNode2DPrefabPlaceholder Convert to Prefab Placeholder 2D Not available Converts given Prefab View 2D to Prefab Placeholder 2D
ConvertPrefabView3DToNode3DPrefabPlaceholder Convert to Prefab Placeholder 3D Not available Converts given Prefab View 2D to Prefab Placeholder 3D


Name Text Shortcut Description
DeleteAnimationsWithLessThanTwoEffectiveKeyframes Delete Animations with One or Zero Effective Keyframes Not available Delete all Animation Data items with one or no effective keyframes. Repeated keyframes with the same value are regarded as ineffective.
DeletePrefabTemplateRoot Delete Prefab Root Not available Deletes the root node of the prefab template. This enables you to create a new root for the prefab template and change the prefab structure without the need to update the prefab placeholders that instantiate the prefab template.
DeleteProjectItem Delete Not available Delete the selected project item(s)
DeleteResourceDictionary Delete Resource Dictionary Not available Deletes the resources dictionary of a node
RemoveItemsWithMissingFiles Delete Items With Missing Files Not available Remove all disk items without files.
RemoveMissingFiles Delete Missing Files Not set Delete file assets in the project or in the selected resource library whose files do not exist on disk.
RemoveUnreferencedItems Delete Unreferenced Items Not available Delete items not used in the project and not marked with the Is Used By Code property.


Name Text Shortcut Description
CleanCachedFiles Clean Cached Files Not available When you open a project, Kanzi Studio generates temporary files in the project directory. Use this command to delete these temporary files.
CloseProject _Close Project Ctrl Shift F4 Close the currently open project
CompressImage Preprocess Images Not set Preprocess the selected images. Preprocessing can include image compression and the generation of mipmaps.
CreateKanziApplication Create Kanzi Application Directory Hierarchy Not available Create a Kanzi application by copying an existing one
CreateShaderSourceFiles Create Shader Source Files to Disk Not set Create shader source files to disk for the selected material type
DeleteExportedBinaries Delete Exported Binaries Not set Delete all exported files from the directory set in the Project > Properties in the Binary Export Directory property. This command deletes all exported files, including those from other projects.
ExitApplication E_xit Ctrl Q Close Kanzi Studio
ExploreProjectItem Open in Windows Explorer Alt Ctrl E Open the project folder in Windows Explorer
ExportBakedThemeBinaries Export Baked Theme Binaries Not set Export a KZB binary for each combination of theme groups and main localization table that have "Export Baked Usages" selected.
ExportBinary Export _KZB Ctrl B Export the KZB file for use with the Kanzi Engine API. This will also export resource packs for locales and themes according to their settings.
ExportBinaryWithApplication Export as KZB Player for Windows Not set Export the project as a standalone Windows application using the KZB player and KZB binary.
ExportRecursiveReferencedProjectBinaries Export Recursive KZBs Not set Export the KZB files for this project reference and all recursive project references.
ExportReferencedProjectBinaries Export KZB Not set Export the KZB file for this project reference.
ExportResourceKzb Export Resource KZB Not available Export only the resources without the scene graph and its nodes.
ImportProject Import Project Not set Import another Kanzi Studio project into the active project
LoadMaterialType Load Material Type from Disk Not set Load material type from disk
LoadProject _Open Project... Ctrl O Open project from disk
NewProject _New Project... Ctrl N Create a new project
OpenCommandPrompt Open Kanzi Command Prompt Alt Ctrl P Open the containing folder of the selected item in Kanzi Command Prompt
OpenImportProjectDialog Merge Project Not set Merge assets from an existing project into project
ReloadAllReferencedProjects Reload All Not set Reloads all project reference and its recursive contents.
ReloadReferencedProjects Reload Not set Reloads the project reference and its recursive contents.
ResetImportedItem Reset Changes to Imported Data Not available Reset the changes made for the selected item after it was imported from an 3D asset file
SaveMaterialType Save Material Type to Disk Not available Save material type to disk
SaveProjectAs Save Project _As... Ctrl Shift S Save project to disk into a different location
SaveProject _Save Project Ctrl S Save project to disk
SaveProjectRestorePoint Save Restore Point Alt Ctrl S Save a copy of the project as restore point
TriggerAutosave Activate Autosave Manually Not set Manually triggers the auto-save command.

Empty node

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateEmptyNode2D Create Empty Node 2D Not set Use an Empty Node 2D to group 2D objects and to apply property changes to these objects as a group.
CreateEmptyNode2DWithSelectedItems Create Empty Node From Items Not available Create an Empty Node from the selected nodes.
CreateEmptyNode3D Create Empty Node 3D Not available Use an Empty Node 3D to group 3D objects and to apply property changes to these objects as a group.
CreateEmptyNode3DWithSelectedItems Create Empty Node From Items Not available Create an Empty Node from the selected nodes.


Name Text Shortcut Description
ReportMemoryUsage Log Memory Usage Ctrl Shift M Print the current memory usage to the log.
ReportUncollectedProjects Log Uncollected Projects Ctrl Shift J Print the number of uncollected projects to the log.


Name Text Shortcut Description
Help Show Help F1 Show help for the element from which context menu was opened or for the element under the mouse cursor

Helper node 3D creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateCameraNode Create Camera Not available Use a Camera to show the content of a scene in your project and in the final application.
CreateDirectionalLightNode Create Directional Light Not available Create a new directional light.
CreateInstantiatorNode Create Instantiator Not available Use an Instantiator to create a copy of the object it targets. Instantiated nodes are not interactive.
CreateLevelOfDetailNode Create Level of Detail Not available Use a Level of Detail to display one object based on its relation to the view camera. A Level of Detail is similar to an Empty Node 3D.
CreatePointLightNode Create Point Light Not available Create a new point light.
CreateSpotLightNode Create Spot Light Not available Create a new spot light.


Name Text Shortcut Description
AddAsset3DSourceFile _Import 3D Assets Ctrl Shift C Import 3D Asset file, such as COLLADA file, into project
AddPsd Import _PSD Not set Import PSD file into project
CleanImportAsset3DSourceFile Clean Import 3D Asset File Not available Remove the previously imported items from the selected 3D asset file from the project and re-import
DeleteImportedAssets Delete Imported Assets Not available Deletes the items from the project that were imported from the selected asset source file (COLLADA, PSD, etc.)
ImportAndOverridePsd Import PSD Not available Import PSD file into project
ImportAsset3DSourceFile Import 3D Asset File Not available Import 3D asset file into project
ImportAssets Import Assets Not available Import Assets
ImportImages Import Images Not set Import images into project
ImportResources Import Fol_der Not set Import folder from disk into the project and arrange the contents into compatible resource file directories
MergeAsset3D Merge 3D Asset File Not set Merge assets from a 3D asset file into project
OpenImportFontDialog Import Fonts Not set Import fonts


Name Text Shortcut Description
OpenProjectItemDetailsDialog Show Details Not set Open Details Dialog
ShowReferringItems Show Related Items Ctrl Shift R Show all references for the selected item

Interactivity node

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateButton2D Create Button 2D Not set Use a Button 2D to create buttons in 2D space.
CreateScrollView2D Create Scroll View 2D Not set Use a Scroll View 2D to get user input from scroll gestures in 2D space.
CreateSlider2D Create Slider 2D Not set Use a Slider 2D to allow users to set a value between a set of minimum and maximum values in 2D space.
CreateToggleButton2D Create Toggle Button 2D Not set Use a Toggle Button 2D to create buttons with multiple toggle states in 2D space.
CreateToggleButtonGroup2D Create Toggle Button Group 2D Not set Use a Toggle Button Group 2D to group toggle buttons in 2D space where only one can be active at a time. Toggle buttons in a group behave like radio buttons.

Layout node

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateDockLayout2D Create Dock Layout 2D Not set Use a Dock Layout 2D to divide objects relative to each other in 2D space.
CreateFlowLayout2D Create Flow Layout 2D Not set Use a Flow Layout 2D to place 2D objects in rows in 2D space. When a row is full, it places objects in a new row.
CreateGridLayout2D Create Grid Layout 2D Not set Use a Grid Layout 2D to arrange 2D content in a grid in 2D space.
CreateStackLayout2D Create Stack Layout 2D Not set Use a Stack Layout 2D to arrange content in a stack on the selected axis in 2D space.
CreateTrajectoryLayout2D Create Trajectory Layout 2D Not set Use a Trajectory Layout 2D to arrange content along a trajectory path in 2D space.


Name Text Shortcut Description
PurchaseLicense _Purchase License Not available Open a web page with instructions for buying a Kanzi Studio license.
ReleaseLicense Release License Not available Used for realeasing a license i.e. when transfering license to another computer.
RemoveHostId Remove hostid Not available Remove hostid.
ShowLockDialog Manage Licenses Not available Open the Kanzi Studio license management dialog.
UpdateLicenseByFile Update License By File Not available Update license by providing a license file
UpdateLicenseByKey Update License By Key Not available Update license by providing a key


Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateUnhandledException Triggers an unhandled exception. Ctrl Shift F12 Triggers an unhandled exception.

Material creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateBinaryShaderFormat Create Binary Shader Format Not set Create a binary shader format.
CreateFragmentShader Create Fragment Shader Not available Create a fragment shader.
CreateMaterial Create Material Not available Create a material.
CreateMaterialType Create Material Type Not set Create a material type.
CreateVertexShader Create Vertex Shader Not available Create a vertex shader.

Misc creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
ClearDataSourceContents Clear Data Source Contents Not available Clear previously read data source contents.
CreateAlias Create Alias Not available Use an Alias to access nodes in Kanzi Studio and when using the Kanzi API.
CreateApplicationConfiguration Create Application Configuration Not set Create a new application configuration for preview
CreateDataSource Create Data Source Not available Create a data source.
CreateEnginePluginDLL Create Kanzi Engine Plugin DLL Reference Not available Create a new engine plugin DLL
CreateLocale Create Locale Not available Create a locale.
CreateLocalizationTable Create Localization Table Not available Create a localization table.
CreateMessageTriggerAction Create Message Trigger Action Not available Create a message trigger action
CreateNode2DPrefabPlaceholder Create Prefab Placeholder 2D Not available Use Prefab Placeholder 2D to instantiate a 2D prefab in your project.
CreateNode3DPrefabPlaceholder Create Prefab Placeholder 3D Not available Use Prefab Placeholder 3D to instantiate a 3D prefab in your project.
CreateNodeComponent Create Node Component Not available Create a node component
CreatePageTransitionAnimation Create Page Transition Animation Not set Create a new page transition animation
CreatePageTransitionCollection Create Page Transition Collection Not set Create a new page transition collection
CreatePageTransition Create Page Transition Not set Create a new page transition
CreatePropertyTypeFolder Create Folder Not available Create a new folder for property type
CreateResourceDictionary Create Resource Dictionary Not available Creates a resources dictionary in the selected node.
CreateResourceDirectory Create Folder Not available Create a new folder
CreateResourceExportTag Create Resource Export Tag Not set Use a Resource Export Tag to categorize resource objects to a separate memory locations.
CreateScreen Create Screen Not set Create a new screen
CreateScriptFile Create Script File Not set Use a JavaScript script to program your application logic in Kanzi Studio.
CreateShaderSourceFile Create Shader Source File Not set Create a new shader source file
CreateShortcut Create Bookmark Not available Use a Bookmark to quickly access nodes and resources in your Kanzi Studio project.
CreateState Create State Not available Create a new state item under a state group
CreateStateGroup Create State Group Not available Create a state group.
CreateStateManager Create State Manager Not set Create a state manager.
CreateStateWithTarget Create State Object Not available Create a child state object under a state
CreateTag Create Tag Not set Use a Tag to categorize project objects. You can assign multiple tags to an object.
CreateTheme Create Theme Not available Create a theme.
CreateThemeGroup Create Theme Group Not available Create a theme group.
CreateTriggerAction Create Trigger Action Not available Create a trigger action
CreateTriggerCondition Create Trigger Condition Not available Create a trigger condition
CutStateManager Cut State Manager Not available Cut the state manager to the clipboard.
ExportAllLocalizationTables Export All Localization Tables Not available Export all localization tables in the project to .pot files, and as many .po files as there are locales in each localization table to <ProjectName>/Localization.
ExportLocalizationTable Export Localization Table Not available Export the localization table template to a .pot file, and as many .po files as there are locales in that localization table to <ProjectName>/Localization/<LocalizationTableName>.
ImportAllLocalizationTables Import All Localization Tables Not available Automatically import all localization tables stored in .po files in <ProjectName>/Localization.
ImportEnginePlugin Import Kanzi Engine Plugin Not available Import Kanzi Engine plugin. During import the components, property types, messages and triggers contained in the plugin become available to the project.
ImportLocalizationTable Import Localization Table Not available Automatically import localization tables for all locales in this localization table stored in .po files in <ProjectName>/Localization/<LocalizationTableName>.
ImportLocalizationTableManually Import Localization Table Manually Not available Manually select .po files you want to import to this localization table.
PasteStateManager Paste State Manager Not available Paste the state manager from the clipboard.
RemoveInvalidStateTransitionAnimations Remove Invalid Animations Not available Remove invalid state transition animations
TagItems Tag Items Not available Adds a tag to a set of items
UpdateDataSourceContents Update Data Source Contents Not available Read and cache data from data source for creating data bindings in UI.
UpdateEnginePluginMetadata Update Kanzi Engine Plugin Not available Update Kanzi Engine plugin. During update changes in the components, property types, messages and triggers contained in the plugin are applied.

Node 3D creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateScene Create Scene Not set Create a new scene
InstantiateIntoInstantiatorNode Instantiate Into an Instantiator Not available Create a new Instantiator and instantiate the selected object.

Object source creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateCombineObjectSource Create Combine Object Source Not set Use a Combine Object Source to collect and combine nodes from one or more input sources, such as filters.
CreateContainsPropertyFilterObjectSource Create Contains Property Filter Not set Use a Contains Property Filter to collect nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property.
CreateFixedSortFilterObjectSource Create Sorting Filter Not set Use a Sorting Filter to either order nodes by their position on the z axis or to group them by their material type.
CreateFrustumCullFilterObjectSource Create Frustum Cull Filter Not set Use a Frustum Cull Filter to collect nodes outside the view of the frustum of a camera.
CreateObjectTypeFilterObjectSource Create Object Type Filter Not set Use an Object Type Filter to collect nodes based on their type.
CreatePropertyIsEqualObjectSource Create Property Is Equal Filter Not set Use a Property is Equal Filter to collect nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property the value of which matches a specific value.
CreateRootObjectSource Create Root Object Source Not available Create a root object source that outputs all the items in the currently active scene
CreateTagFilter Create Tag Filter Not set Use a Tag Filter to collect the nodes that have a specific tag assigned.


Name Text Shortcut Description
AddAnimationToClip Add Animation To Clip Not available Add animation data item into an animation clip
CloseComposition Close Composition Ctrl W Close Composition Tab
OpenAnimationClipEditor Open in Animation Clip Editor Not available Open the selected animation clip in Animation Clip Editor
OpenAnimationSequenceEditor Open Sequence Editor Not available Open timeline sequence editor for the selected item
OpenBindingArgumentEditorWindow Open Binding Argument Editor Not available Open binding argument editor window
OpenCommandHistoryWindow Command History Ctrl Shift U Open the command history window
OpenComposition Open Composition Not set Open Composition Tab
OpenDictionariesWindow Open Dictionaries Not set Open the dictionaries window
OpenFindDialogWindow Find Ctrl F Open the find window
OpenGenericActionEditor Open Event Subscription Argument Editor Not available Open event subscription argument editor
OpenGraphEditorEventView Open Graph Editor (Event view) Not available Open graph editor for the selected item in event view
OpenGraphEditorPipelineView Open Graph Editor (Composing view) Not available Open graph editor for the selected item in composing view
OpenGraphEditorReferringView Show Related Items Not available Open graph editor to show all incoming and outgoing references for the selected item
OpenGraphEditorSceneView Open Graph Editor (Scene view) Not available Open graph editor for the selected item in scene view
OpenLocalizationTable Open Localization Table Not available Open the selected localization table in the Localization Editor. In the Localization Editor you can add and edit localized resources in your project.
OpenMeshAttributesWindow Open Mesh Attributes Editor Not available Use the Mesh Attributes Editor to edit the vertex data for the selected mesh.
OpenMessageTriggersExecuteScriptWindow Open Execute Script Editor Not available Open execute script editor window
OpenMessageTriggersGoToStateWindow Open Go To State Trigger Editor Not available Open go to state editor window
OpenMessageTriggersModifyConditionWindow Open Modify Condition Editor Not available Open modify Condition editor window
OpenMessageTriggersModifyPropertyWindow Open Modify Property Editor Not available Open modify property editor window
OpenMessageTriggersNavigateToWindow Open Navigation Trigger Editor Not available Open navigation trigger editor window
OpenMessageTriggersPlayAnimationWindow Open Play Animation Editor Not available Open play animation editor window
OpenMessageTriggersWriteLogWindow Open Write Log Editor Not available Open write log editor window
OpenNewPropertyEditor Open New Properties Window Not available Open a new Properties window.
OpenPropertyTypeEditorForEditing Edit Property Type Not available Open property type editor
OpenResourceGridEditor Open Localization Table Not available Open the selected resource table in the resource grid editor.
OpenScriptTextEditor Open Script Text Editor Not available Open LUA script editor for the selected script
OpenShaderAttributesEditor Open Shader Attributes Editor Not available Use the Shader Attributes Editor to edit the semantics of the shader attributes for the selected material type.
OpenShaderFileTextEditor Open Shader Text Editor Not available Open shader source code editor for the selected shader file
OpenShaderTextEditor Open Shader Text Editor Not available Open shader source code editor for the selected shader
OpenTextEditor Open Text Editor Not available Open text editor for selected text file
OpenThemeGroup Open Theme Group Not available Open the selected theme group in the theme table editor. In the theme table editor you can add and edit themed resources in your project.
OpenTriggerPropertyEditor Open Trigger Property Editor Not available Open trigger property editor
PrepareProjectForRelease Prepare Project for Release Not available Prepare the project for release by closing compositions, collapsing expanded nodes, clearing the current selection and setting the preview to use release configuration.
ShowProjectExplorer Show Project Window Ctrl P Activate the main Project window
ShowProjectProperties Properties Ctrl Shift P Show project properties
ShowPropertyEditor Show Property Editor Not available Activate the main Property Editor
ShowUserPreferencesDialog User _Preferences Not set Open the User Preferences dialog

Prefab template creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateNode2DPrefabTemplate Create Prefab Template 2D Not set Create a new prefab template 2D.
CreateNode3DPrefabTemplate Create Prefab Template 3D Not set Create a new 3D prefab template.


Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateCameraNodeInCameraGizmo Create Camera From Active State in Camera Gizmo Not set Create a new camera from the current transform of the camera.
CreateGuide Create Guide Not available Create a guide
GridGizmoConvertToPreset Convert 2D grid layout to preset Not available Convert 2D grid layout to preset.
GridGizmoPreset1 Grid preset placeholder Not available Grid preset placeholder
GridGizmoSplit Split 2D grid layout Not available Split 2D grid layout.
PreviewPause P_ause Preview F7 Pause the open preview
PreviewPlay _Play Preview F6 Start to play the open preview
PreviewSetOption Set Preview Option Not available Set a value of a preview option
PreviewStop _Stop Preview F9 Pause the open preview and rewind to the beginning
PreviewToggleOptionActualLayout Toggle Actual Layout Not set Toggle actual layout visualization on or off
PreviewToggleOptionAllocatedLayout Toggle Allocated Layout Not set Toggle allocated layout visualization on or off
PreviewToggleOption Toggle Preview Option Not available Toggle boolean preview option on or off
PreviewToggleOptionDebugObjects Toggle _Debug Objects B Toggle Debug Objects visibility on or off
PreviewToggleOptionGrid Toggle _Grid G Toggle grid on or off
PreviewToggleOptionLayerVisualization Toggle 2D Node Visualization Not set Toggle 2D node visualization on or off
PreviewToggleOptionRulers Toggle _Rulers Not set Use rulers and guides to align nodes.
PreviewToggleOptionSnap Toggle Snap to Grid Not set Move and Scale tools snap to grid size, Rotate tool snaps by 15°.
ResetCameraGizmo Reset Camera To Scene Camera Not set Reset the camera to the current transform of the Preview camera.
RestartApplication _Restart Preview Ctrl F8 Shut down the preview and then start it again
SetActiveGizmoCameraGizmo 3D Camera Gizmo Not set Camera tool
SetActiveGizmo Set Active Gizmo Not set Set Active Gizmo
SetActiveGizmoFlowGizmo Flow Layout 2D Gizmo Not set Flow Layout 2D tool
SetActiveGizmoGridGizmo Grid Gizmo Not set Grid tool
SetActiveGizmoInteractionGizmo Interaction Gizmo Not set Interaction tool
SetActiveGizmoNodeGizmo Node Gizmo Not set Node tool
SetActiveGizmoStackGizmo Stack Layout 2D Gizmo Not set Stack Layout 2D tool
SetActiveGizmoTextGizmo Text Gizmo Not set Text tool
SetCameraGizmoCameraMode Set Camera Mode Not available Set Camera Mode
SetCameraGizmoCameraModeToFreeCamera Set Free Camera Mode Not set Free camera allows you to move around without attachment to any point.
SetCameraGizmoCameraModeToOrbitCamera Set Orbit Camera Mode Not set Orbit camera allows you to move around selection or look at of the camera.
SetCameraGizmoFocusToSelection Focus To Selection F Bring the camera to the object selected in the Project or the Preview.
SetCameraGizmoPreset3Quarters 3/4 Camera Preset Shift 7 3/4 Camera Preset
SetCameraGizmoPresetBack Back Camera Preset Shift 6 Back Camera Preset
SetCameraGizmoPresetBottom Bottom Camera Preset Shift 4 Bottom Camera Preset
SetCameraGizmoPreset Camera Preset Not available Camera Preset
SetCameraGizmoPresetFront Front Camera Preset Shift 5 Front Camera Preset
SetCameraGizmoPresetLeft Left Camera Preset Shift 1 Left Camera Preset
SetCameraGizmoPresetRight Right Camera Preset Shift 2 Right Camera Preset
SetCameraGizmoPresetTop Top Camera Preset Shift 3 Top Camera Preset
SetCameraLegendText Set Camera Legend Text Not available Set the camera legend overlay text
SetEditLegendText Set Edit Legend Text Not available Set the edit legend overlay text
SetNodeGizmo3DRotationMode Set Rotation Mode 2 Rotate the selected node.
SetNodeGizmo3DScaleMode Set Scale Preview Mode 3 Scale the selected node.
SetNodeGizmo3DTransformationMode Set Transformation mode Not available Set transformation mode
SetNodeGizmo3DTranslationMode Set Translation mode 1 Move the selected node.
SetNodeGizmoScaleSizeMode Set Scale Size Mode Not set Set Scale Size Mode
SetNodeGizmoScaleSizeModeToScale Set Scale To Change Scale Not set Set Scale To Change Scale
SetNodeGizmoScaleSizeModeToSize Set Scale To Change Size Not set Set Scale To Change Size
SetNodeGizmoTargetTransformationProperty Set Target Transformation Property Not set Set Target Transformation Property
SetNodeGizmoTargetTransformationPropertyToLayout Set Target Transformation To Layout Transformation Not set Use the Layout Transformation property fields to place the selected node.
SetNodeGizmoTargetTransformationPropertyToRender Set Target Transformation To Render Transformation Not set Use the Render Transformation property fields to place the selected node.
SetNodeGizmoTransformSpace Set Transform Space Not set Set Transform Space
SetNodeGizmoTransformSpaceLocal Set Local Mode Not set Use the local coordinates to position the selected node.
SetNodeGizmoTransformSpaceWorld Set World Mode Not set Use the world coordinates to position the selected node.
SetPreviewToolDisabled Set Preview Tool Disabled Not available Disable preview tool
StartApplication _Start Preview F5 Start preview in paused mode
StopApplication _Exit Preview F8 Shut down the preview
SwitchPreviewControllerIsDebugging Toggle Preview Is Debugging U Use debug mode in preview.
ToggleEditActiveCamera Toggle Edit Active Camera in Preview Not set Store the current transform of the camera to the Preview camera.
ToggleInteractionGizmo Toggle _Interact / Edit I Interaction tool toggle
ToggleNodeGizmoSnap Toggle snap Not set Toggle snap
UpdateSelectionToPreview Update Selection to Preview Not available Debug tool to update the current selection in preview
WorkingViewportResetZoom Set Zoom To 100% Ctrl 1 Set Zoom To 100%

Primitive creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateBoxNode Create Box Not available Create a cube mesh centered in its origin.
CreateMeshNode Create Model Not available Use a Model to add imported 3D models created in third-party tools to your Kanzi application.
CreatePlaneNode Create Plane Not available Create a filled planar mesh with four vertices.
CreateSphereNode Create Sphere Not available Create a sphere mesh centered in its origin.

Project reference creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateKzbReferenceItem Existing .kzb Not set Create a reference to an existing .kzb file to use prefabs and resources from that .kzb file.
CreateNewProjectAsProjectReference New Project Not set Create a Kanzi Studio project and create a reference to that project. The current project stays open after you create the project.
CreateProjectReferenceItem Existing Project Not set Create a reference to an existing Kanzi Studio project to use prefabs and resources from that project.

Property type creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreatePropertyType Create Property Type Not available Create a new property type
CreatePropertyTypeWrapper Create Property Type Wrapper Not available Create a new property type wrapper
OpenPropertyTypeEditorForCreation Create Property Type Not set Create a new property type

Render pass creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateDefaultRenderPassTree Create Default Render Pass Not available Create a default render pass tree that renders first opaque objects and then transparent ones.
CreateRenderPass Create Render Pass Not available Create a render pass.
CreateRenderToTexturePassTree Create Render to Texture Pass Not available Create a simple render to texture pass along with a render target texture.

Sequence editor

Name Text Shortcut Description
SetTrackEditorMoveTool Sequence Editor: Move Tool V Select 'Move' tool for sequence editor
SetTrackEditorPanTool Sequence Editor: Pan Tool S Select 'Pan' tool for sequence editor

Style creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateNamedStyle Create Named Style Not set Use a Named Style to define the look and feel only for the selected instances of a node type, or to override the typed styles.
CreateTargetStyle Create Typed Style Not set Use a Typed style to define the look and feel for a specific node type in the scope of a resource dictionary.

Texture creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateCubeMapRenderTargetTexture Create Cube-map Render Target Texture Not set Use a Cubemap Render Target Texture with a Cubemap Composer to dynamically create cubemap textures from the viewpoint of a given object to simulate a mirroring surface.
CreateCubeMapTexture Create Cube-map Texture Not set Use a Cubemap Texture to combine six square-shaped images into one texture to represent reflections of the environment. Each image represents the scenery in one of the six directions along the x, y, and z axes from the viewpoint of the cubemapped object.
CreateDepthRenderTarget Create Depth Render Target Not set Create a depth render target which can be attached to any render pass
CreateMultiRenderTarget Create Multi Render Target Not set Create a multi render target for rendering simultaneously to multiple render targets
CreateRenderTargetTexture Create Render Target Texture Not set Use a Render Target Texture to dynamically render content from 2D layouts into a texture.
CreateSingleTexture Create Single Texture Not set Use a Single Texture when you want to use a single image as a texture.
CreateTextureFromImage Create Texture Not available Create a new texture from the selected image

Trajectory creation

Name Text Shortcut Description
CreateAngleTrajectory Create Angle Trajectory Not available Use an Angle Trajectory to create a path where two straight lines form an angle in 3D space.
CreateArcTrajectory Create Arc Trajectory Not available Use an Arc Trajectory to create a path in the shape of an arc in 3D space.
CreateCircleTrajectory Create Circle Trajectory Not available Use a Circle Trajectory to create a path in the shape of a circle in 3D space.
CreateEllipseTrajectory Create Ellipse Trajectory Not available Use an Ellipse Trajectory to create a path in the shape of an ellipse in 3D space.
CreateLineTrajectory Create Line Trajectory Not available Use a Line Trajectory to create a path with a single straight line in 3D space.
CreateRectangleTrajectory Create Rectangle Trajectory Not available Use a Rectangle Trajectory to create a path in the shape of a rectangle in 3D space.
CreateSpiralTrajectory Create Spiral Trajectory Not available Use a Spiral Trajectory to create a path in the shape of a spiral in 3D space.
CreateSplineTrajectory Create Spline Trajectory Not available Use a Spline Trajectory to import a trajectory defined by a set of points and control points in 3D space you created in a third-party tool.
CreateTrapezoidTrajectory Create Trapezoid Trajectory Not available Use a Trapezoid Trajectory to create a path in the shape of a trapezoid in 3D space.


Name Text Shortcut Description
ChildNodeMoveNext Reorder: Move Next Ctrl  Moves the selected item one step forward in the child list
ChildNodeMovePrevious Reorder: Move Previous Ctrl  Moves the selected item one step backward in the child list
ClearSelection Clear Current Selection Not available Clear the current selection
Collapse Collapse Tree Not available Collapse the selected nodes and their child nodes
ExpandTree Expand Tree Not available Expand the selected nodes and their child nodes
NavigateToNextItem Navigate to Next Item Alt Right Navigate to next item and update property editor
NavigateToPreviousItem Navigate to Previous Item Alt Left Navigate to previous item and update property editor
RefreshPropertyEditor Refresh Property Editor Not set Refresh the property editor to make sure it is up-to-date
RemoveChildNodes Remove from Parent Not available Remove the selected items from their parent item in the tree but keep them in the library
SelectShortcutTarget Select Bookmark Target Not available Select the coresponding target item of the given bookmark
SetTreeChildMemoryTypes Set Sub-tree GPU Memory Type Not available Set the GPU memory type properties for the selected items and their children
ShowSelectedItemsInProjectExplorer Show Selected Items in Project Window Ctrl E Select the selected items in the main Project window
ShowSpansionTravoRenderAllocationReport Show Spansion Traveo Render Allocation Report Not available Show report how nodes are allocated to sprites on Spansion Traveo
UpdateProjectBrowser Refresh Ctrl R Refresh the project tree to make sure it is up-to-date


Name Text Shortcut Description
CloseActiveWindow _Close Active Window Ctrl F4 Close the active window
HideWindow H_ide Window Not available Hide a window
LoadLayoutAndSaveCurrent Load Layout Not available Save current layout and load a previosly saved window layout
LoadLayout Load Layout Not available Load a previosly saved window positioning
RemoveCurrentLayout Delete Current View Not available Delete the currently active view
RemoveLayout Delete View Not available Delete a previously saved view
ResetWorkspaceLayoutToDefault Reset Workspace Not available Reset Workspace to default layout
SaveLayout Create New View Not available Creates a new window layout with the current window positioning. For internal use.
ShowDataSources Show Data Sources Not set Show Data Sources Window
ShowLog Show Log Ctrl L Show Commands Log
ShowQuickStart Show Quick Start Not available Show the Quick Start Window
ShowWelcomeScreen Show Welcome Screen Not available Show the Welcome Screen Window
ShowWindow Show Window Not available Show the selected window